Senior Design Team sdmay19-28 • cowchips4charity software development and integration
The Boo Radley Foundation aids in the research of diseases found in both humans and their animal companions. In order to raise funds and awareness, the organization hosts interactive events at college football games called CowChips4Charity. The CowChips4Charity event is a modern version of cow chip bingo. Currently, the CowChips4Charity event is operated manually and is executed without leveraging any technologies. We believe the development of a web application interface for this event will increase the amount of participants and resulting donations that the Boo Radley Foundation will receive.
We will develop a cross platform web application for the CowChips4Charity event to be used during collegiate sporting events and possibly professional sporting events in the future. The web application will provide an efficient way for sporting event attendees to participate in the cow chip bingo game. Users will be able to sign in via Facebook, Google, or as a guest. Once the user is signed in, they will then be able to select the sporting event they are attending and the team they are supporting. The user will be able to acquire square(s) for the cow chip bingo game through a donation via credit card. The selection of square(s) can be done well in advance of the game. Users who select the winning square for their sporting event will be notified via text message and will then receive a prize in the mail.
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